Australian Trip worries mate, just dance!

Soul Dance

You don’t have to do anything… only trust, just open your senses, listen, feel, observe, without judgement. Let go of your thoughts. From this place, we can dance together. We can have an authentic dialogue. This Friday night at Soul Dance we are blessed with the offerings of Gloria de España. Gloria is visiting Australia from Catalunya. She teaches dance and body language and has a special interest in body awareness and mindfulness. She has her own ‘Soul dance’ in Spain on Fridays also which is based on contact improvisation jams and performance. Gloria and Cat will share some ways to dance together with or without contact.

November 2014
3409 Arts Centre, Warburton, Victoria 3799

Just enjoy!

In contemporary dance, every single movement or even stillness becomes dance.  In this workshop we can explore the personal way to connect with our dance through body awareness and also sharing with others creating a dance together. 

April 2015
Moora Moora Cooperative
Healsville, Victoria  3777

Should we dance...

exploring how to express
trying to find our language
going inwards
and gift it outward...

March 2015
Commongruond Cooperative
Seymor, Victoria 3661

Exploring our dance

A tigger snake was sleeping in front of the door, looking for a warm place to us. We dance during two hours...We share with many people from the community, kids, youngs and olders, all togheter....And we created a community dance. Thank you for coming!

June 2015

Crystal Waters Community
65 Kilcoy Lane
Conondale, Queenland, 4552